Seven Words You Should Never Say At Job Interviews

Aug 3, 2018 2:48 AM

You probably already know that you shouldn’t say any swear words and other words like “like,” and “kinda,” but which other words should be avoided at job interviews?

Declaring that you’re “addicted to something”—even though that something may be as admirable an activity as reading books about your industry, mentoring younger colleagues, or watching documentaries, will still nonetheless make you sound immature.

Furthermore, if your interviewer knows anyone with substance-abuse problems or psychological disorders, she may consider  your“addiction” to be a serious matter that may make you unsuitable for the job position.

To be clear, it is entirely acceptable for you to use the word “no” at any time in your conversation. However, you may want to avoid using it in response to the query “So do you have any questions for me?” Answering “no” makes it seem as if you took the interview just because you were bored or wanted a reason to wear your new suit.

Even if the interviewer has addressed every single question that you had prepared, you should try and come up with some aspect of the job or company you want to know more about.

According to a Marist College poll of 1,500 adults, 43 percent of respondents chose “Whatever” as the most annoying word of 2015.

So unless you want to be voted the most annoying job applicant by an employer, remove this word from your interview vocabulary and maybe even from your speech entirely.

‘Stuff’ or ‘Things’
These words share a number of of negative traits including sounding dull, vague and juvenile. When used in a sentence, they seem to take away the life from positive words. They’re juvenile-sounding, vague, and dull.

Instead of “stuff” or “things,” use specific words, such as responsibilities, tasks, challenges, hobbies, passions, collections, and media, to communicate exactly what you mean.

This word seems like a caution sign. For one, a recruiter at a job interview will be signalled to the fact that you’re going to share an extremely candid (and probably regrettable) observation; and everything you’ve said up to that point in the interview was false.

A “self-starter” is someone who does not require motivation and there is no need for you to say this, as it should be obvious enough. If you feel the need to say it to reassure an interviewer, then there is probably a lurking problem. The same is applicable for the word ‘hardworking’.

You may actually think saying this is a way of being polite to your potential employer but in reality, it will instantly make her feel old or ancient, and that is a feeling nobody wants to have.

More so, it also has a way of making you sound old-fashioned, and not in a quaint, refreshing way but in an alarming, problematic what-century-are-you-living-in way.


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