Exam conduct-- KIZITO SUG president advises students

        I would like to on behalf of myself, Cabinet and entire associates, wish Benue State University students a happy and successful examination.
     This is a period when we need to bade ourselves from every form of distraction and focus on the primary purpose that attracted us to this institution.
       I would like to advise against. Stealing and robbery, the major vices that shoots up during examination periods, this is a university and not an abode for training criminals, we discourage all forms of criminal activities being planned and executed by students whose sole purpose is making life on campus unbearable.
     I also advise students to be very security conscious and report any form of  suspected security breaches to the security unit for proper and immeadete handling.
    I also strongly disrecommend exam-malpractice, it is one of the major worms devouring the quality of education in  our university and the country at large.
   I advise students to instead read tirelessly and avoid depending on other students for breakthroughs during exam. It is advisable to get your exam cards and avoid impersonation of any kind. It by our efforts that students are writing exams without school fees payment, don't  jeopardize that privilage pay up before the end of the semester to avoid nullification of results, the SUG is working round the clock to ensure the management doesnt abuse our rights.we can only make that possible with your cooperation.
     I am always here as  brother and friend to handle your distresses and problems, I love persons who obey  laws and would go to any lenght to defend and protect their interests.
    I again appeal to all students who come to school at night to make noise and distract other students from reading to please stay at there homes to avoid a rowdy campus, Oderliness is one of the keys to succes. Avoid vandalizing the University's properties to ensure we keep going forward.
     Remember, one of the reasons we are in school is make our parents proud,  avoid acts that could send you packing thus breaking their trusting hearts.
   I conclude by wishing you a very successful examination.
             SUG PRESIDENT


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