The biography of WACHIHI JOSEPH KIZITO the current SuG President of Benue State University-as written by MEE ARUMUN UJO WACHIHI JOSEPH KIZITO---political economist and Human Rights activist, consummate researcher, stuntch disciplinarian, and a geography scholar. He is the incumbent "STUDENT UNION GOVERNMENT" president Benue State University(BSU) He is a member Nubess stakeholders forum, Senior Stakeholder National Association of Geography Students, BIRTH KIZITO was born on 14th January 1994, at Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital Kaduna. HUMBLE ORIGINS He hails from UTE district of vandeikya local government area. He was born into the family of comrade and Mrs WACHIHI of UTE Mbagban clan. KIZITO although is an indegene of benue state, was born an...